Modifications operator “:=”

A way to manage the values entered in TypoScript

// doc.
// Available options:
// prependString: Adds a string to the beginning of the existing value.
// appendString: Adds a string to the end of the existing value.
// removeString: Removes a string from the existing value.
// replaceString: Replaces old with new value. Separate these using "|".
// addToList: Adds a comma-separated list of values to the end of a string value. There is no check for duplicate values, and the list is not sorted in any way.
// removeFromList: Removes a comma-separated list of values from an existing comma-separated list of values.
// uniqueList: Removes duplicate entries from a comma-separated list of values.
// reverseList: Reverses the order of entries in a comma-separated list of values.
// sortList: Sorts the entries in a comma-separated list of values.
myObject = TEXT
myObject.value = 1,2,3
myObject.value := addToList(4,5)
myObject.value := removeFromList(2,1)
// Result:
myObject = TEXT
myObject.value = 3,4,5