// Available operators "||", "&&", "OR", "AND"
[page|uid = 123]
[globalVar = TSFE:id = 6|7] || [PIDinRootline = 14,20,43,274]
// Hide object after login (any FE user)
[loginUser = *]
lib.signIn >
lib.signIn = TEXT
lib.signIn {
value = Sign in
typolink.parameter = 14
typolink.ATagParams = class="btn"
[globalString = _SERVER|HTTPS = 1]
[PIDinRootline = 8,21]
// If value from Constants for $constant_to_turnSomethingOn is equal 1
[globalVar = LIT:1 = {$constant_to_turnSomethingOn}]
// If value from Constants for $firstMenu is equal 9 and Page is equal 1
[globalVar = LIT:9 = {$firstMenu}] AND [globalVar = TSFE:id = 1]
[globalVar = LIT:0<{$show_element}]
// not empty string
[globalString = LIT:{$settings.googleAnaliticsUA} = /.+/]
[treeLevel = 2,3,4,5]
[userFunc = isCurrentUser(merchant)]
[globalVar = GP:print = 1]
// if FE user from selected group log in
[usergroup = 2] || [usergroup = 3]
// if IP addres is
[globalString = IENV:REMOTE_ADDR = 82.177.87.*]
// If specified BE layout is set
[globalVar = TSFE:page|backend_layout = 4]
page.bodyTagAdd = class="example_class"
// If specified page type is set
[globalVar = TSFE:page|doktype = 104]
settings.bodyClass = page-404
Conditions in TypoScript
List of examples for conditionals in TypoScript